Union Académique Internationale

CVA Österreich. Beiheft 3. Griechische Vasen als Medium für Kommunikation. Ausgewählte Aspekte

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The present volume of the symposium deals with the question whether the vases, which were an important commodity for both local trade and export, were also utilised as carriers for specific messages and as a medium of communication. The vase painter played an important role in this. The themes were chosen with care. In terms of time and geography, the contributions cover examples of geometric workshops, archaic and classical productions of Athens, Corinth, Boeotia, Euboea and other Greek landscapes, as well as ceramics of Etruria, Magna Graecia and Sicily. Sites of the Iberian Peninsula and the northern Alpine region were discussed.


Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (CVA)

Publication details

  • TitleCVA Österreich. Beiheft 3. Griechische Vasen als Medium für Kommunikation. Ausgewählte Aspekte
  • SubtitleAkten des internationalen Symposiums im Kunsthistorischen Museum Wien, 5.-7. Oktober 2017
  • Year of publication2021
  • CityWien
  • CountryAustria
  • Academic PublisherVerlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • CollectionCorpus Vasorum Antiquorum - Österreich. Beiheft
  • Volume3
  • ISBN978-3-7001-8463-8
  • Available in Brussels?Yes