Union Académique Internationale

Language Atlas of the Pacific Area (LAPA)

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Project nº36 adopted in 1979 continued in 1983 & 1987

36a. Language Atlas of the Pacific Area (LAPA)

The Language Atlas of the Pacific Area had its aim the graphic presentation, on 47 large multi-coloured maps, of the extremely complex language situation in the Pacific Area proper and the regions adjacent to it in the west which of these languages are located in the New Guinea area. Text materials showing the grouping and classification ot the languages and dialects and the numbers of their speakers, appropriate explanations and notes and bibliographical data, were added to each map, and general texts and indexes accompany the map sets covering various areas. The maps have been combined into two Atlas parts. Both parts are completed and were published in 1981 and 1983 respectively by the Australian Academy of the Humanities in collaboration with the Japan Academy. There has been very strong involvement. The project was adopted by the UAI in 1979 on the initiative of Australian Academy the Humanities and the Japan Academy.

36b. Language Atlas of China

The Language Atlas of China constitues a continuation of the LAPA project. Its aim had been the graphic presentation, on 36 large multi-coloured maps, of the many languages and dialects spoken by the non-Han Chinese people in China who have largely been included in a number of National Minorities and of the numerous large and small dialects of Chinese itself. Materials showing the grouping and classification of the languages and dialects and the numbers of their speakers, appropriate explanations and notes and bibliographical data, were added to each map, and general maps and indexes accompany the two main section dealing with non-Han Chines languages and Chinese dialects respectively. Several general maps are added to the Atlas which appears in two parts, with each of these subdivided into a non-Han Chinese languages section and a Chinese dialects section. There are English and Chinese Editions. This continuation of the LAPA project was reported to the UAI in 1983 by the Australian Academy of the Humanities which initiated it together with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Both editions were completed and published in 1987-90.

36c. The Atlas of the Language of Korea

The National of Sciences of the Republic of Korea decided to established a committee to produce a linguistic Atlas of Korea, as a continuation of the LAPA project and the Language Atlas of China. The project was submitted to the UAI in 1987. The Atlas was published in 1993 (Sunji Munhwasa, Seoul).