Union Académique Internationale
Anaptuxis tês Theologikês stoiheiôseôs Proklou platônikou filosofou = Refutation of Proclus' Elements of Theology : A critical edition with an introduction on Nicholas' life and works
Fiche de la publication
- TitreAnaptuxis tês Theologikês stoiheiôseôs Proklou platônikou filosofou = Refutation of Proclus' Elements of Theology : A critical edition with an introduction on Nicholas' life and works
- Année de publication1984
- VilleBruxelles
- PaysGrèce
- Éditeur académiqueAkademia Athinon
- Éditeur commercialOusia
- CollectionPhilosophi Byzantini ; 1
- Volume1
- Consultable à Bruxelles ?Oui
- URLwww.vrin.fr